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ICNE Committees


If you are interested in serving on any committees, then please contact the respective Committee Chair.

CommitteeCommittee ChairContact EmailObjective
AuditZahid Iqbalaudit@icne.netAudit ICNE financials transactions and processes
Building & Planning (Quincy)Surfraz Haqquincy.buildingplanning@icne.netPlan and propose expansion requirements for the Quincy center
Building & Planning (Sharon)Ahmed Yaqubsharon.buildingplanning@icne.netPlan and propose expansion requirements for the Sharon center
By-LawsKhalid Akhtarbylaws@icne.netbased on community input and vote propose additions to the bylaws
Community Relations/Intra Faith (Sharon)Ahmed YaqubSharon.CR@icne.netPlan all community relations events for Sharon center
Community Relations/Intra Faith (Quincy)Ali Chaudhry
Quincy.CR@icne.netPlan all community relations events for Quincy center
ElectionsZahid Iqbalelections@icne.netPlan, organize and conduct annual elections. Propose changes to the election process and candidates eligibility criteria
Facility Management (Quincy)Rasha Elbeihquincy.facilities@icne.netPlan and manage all facilities related affairs. Proposed new projects and maintenance projects as needed for the Sharon center.
Facility Management (Sharon)Ahmed Yaqubsharon.facilities@icne.netPlan and manage all facilities related affairs. Proposed new projects and maintenance projects as needed for the Quincy center.
FinanceMohammed Shakeel Haqfinance@icne.netPropose finance related changes to the processes in place for center.
FundraisingShakeel Haqfundraising@icne.netPlan and propose all fundraising events.
Hajj/UmrahTBDhajj.umrah@icne.netPlan and propose Hajj and Umrah eligibility for the prospective applicants.
InfoSystemsAmir Rashidinfosystems@icne.netMaintain, enhance and propose all IT related infrastructure for the two centers.
Interfaith (Sharon)Khalid Akhtarinterfaith@icne.netPlan and propose all interfaith events for the Sharon center
Interfaith (Quincy)Mohammed Barrieinterfaith@icne.netPlan and propose all interfaith events for the Quincy center
MembershipYousuf Ahmedmembership@icne.netPlan and propose all menbership related affairs for the center
Project Empathy
Public RelationsMohammed Barrie
public.relations@icne.netPropose all communication that needs to go out from ICNE
Religious (Quincy)imam.quincy@icne.netPlan and propose all religious affairs for the Quincy center
Religious (Sharon)Imam Abdur Rahman Ahmedimam.sharon@icne.netPlan and propose all religious affairs for the Sharon center
Scholarships (Al-Noor Academy)Ali Chaudhryscholarship@icne.netDetermine eligibility of the applicants and allocate funds for the scholarship.
Strategic PlanningTBDstrategic.planning@icne.netEnhance the strategic plan for the center in terms of types of service needed, programs for 'Turbiyah, space considerations and community building
Weekend Schools (Quincy)Surfraz and propose curriculum and space requirements for the school
Weekend Schools (Sharon)Rasha and propose curriculum and space requirements for the school
Youth (Quincy)Rasha Elbeihquincy.youth@icne.netPlan and propose youth activities
Youth (Sharon)Ali Chaudhrysharon.youth@icne.netPlan and propose youth activities
ZakatKhalid Akhtarzakat@icne.netManage the Zakat fund. Determine Zakat eligibility of the applicants.