ICNE Committees
If you are interested in serving on any committees, then please contact the respective Committee Chair.
Committee Committee Chair Contact Email Objective
Audit Zahid Khursheed audit@icne.net Audit ICNE financials transactions and processes
Building & Planning (Quincy) Mobeen Gajee quincy.buildingplanning@icne.net Plan and propose expansion requirements for the Quincy center
Building & Planning (Sharon) Ahmad Yaqub sharon.buildingplanning@icne.net Plan and propose expansion requirements for the Sharon center
By-Laws Omar Kazmi bylaws@icne.net based on community input and vote propose additions to the bylaws
Community Relations/Intra Faith (Sharon) Navid Khan Sharon.CR@icne.net Plan all community relations events for Sharon center
Community Relations/Intra Faith (Quincy) Omar Kazmi
Quincy.CR@icne.net Plan all community relations events for Quincy center
Elections Yousuf Ahmed elections@icne.net Plan, organize and conduct annual elections. Propose changes to the election process and candidates eligibility criteria
Facility Management (Quincy) Rasha Elbeih quincy.facilities@icne.net Plan and manage all facilities related affairs. Proposed new projects and maintenance projects as needed for the Sharon center.
Facility Management (Sharon) Mobeen Gajee sharon.facilities@icne.net Plan and manage all facilities related affairs. Proposed new projects and maintenance projects as needed for the Quincy center.
Finance Rakibou Ouro-Djobo finance@icne.net Propose finance related changes to the processes in place for center.
Fundraising Navid Khan fundraising@icne.net Plan and propose all fundraising events.
Digital Transformation "InfoSystems" Wael Taha infosystems@icne.net Maintain, enhance and propose systems needed to digitize operations, fundraising, and engagement processes
Interfaith (Sharon) Shakeel Haq interfaith@icne.net Plan and propose all interfaith events for the Sharon center
Interfaith (Quincy) Shakeel Haq interfaith@icne.net Plan and propose all interfaith events for the Quincy center
Membership Yousuf Ahmed membership@icne.net Plan and propose all menbership related affairs for the center
Public Relations Omar Kazmi
public.relations@icne.net Propose all communication that needs to go out from ICNE
Religious (Quincy) TBD imam.quincy@icne.net Plan and propose all religious affairs for the Quincy center
Religious (Sharon) Imam Abdul-Rahman Ahmad imam.sharon@icne.net Plan and propose all religious affairs for the Sharon center
Scholarships (Al-Noor Academy) Zahid Iqbal scholarship@icne.net Determine eligibility of the applicants and allocate funds for the scholarship.
Weekend Schools (Quincy) Rasha Elbeih quincy.school@icne.net Plan and propose curriculum and space requirements for the school
Weekend Schools (Sharon) Ahmad Yacub sharon.school@icne.net Plan and propose curriculum and space requirements for the school
Youth (Quincy) Rasha Elbeih quincy.youth@icne.net Plan and propose youth activities
Youth (Sharon) Rakibou Orou-Djobo sharon.youth@icne.net Plan and propose youth activities
Zakat Zahid Khursheed zakat@icne.net Manage the Zakat fund. Determine Zakat eligibility of the applicants.
Sports Rakibou Orou-Djobo sports@icne.net Manage sports activities and facilities